Name   Phone Email
Dani Welniak VP, Comms 817-602-6399
Landon Wirt Mgr, Business Comms 913-220-6752

The Kansas City Current and CPKC Stadium are excited for a great number of events happening in 2025! As Credential Applications open for matches and events, links will be provided below.

Single Match Application

Season Application

Media Resources
Media Guides
Audio Pronunciation Guide
Game Notes
Game Stats

Find all of the Kansas City Current's logos, color palettes and usage information here

Club Communications
To receive regular communications from the club (i.e. press releases, media advisories, match previews and recaps, etc.) please email and you can be added to the team's distribution list.

Media Guidelines
Media credentials and access will be granted only to individuals with a legitimate working function at a game, training session or event. The bearer must be on a specific assignment. Credentials are non-transferable. Any unauthorized use of a credential subjects the bearer to ejection from the event. Resale or attempted resale is grounds for seizure and cancellation.

The following actions may result in seizure of credential and/or ejection of its wearer from the stadium or training facility:

  • Requesting autographs at any time.
  • Taking photographs with players/coaches
  • Using credential for family or friends of a working media member
  • Conduction of unauthorized interviews
  • Unprofessional behavior (Cheering in the press box, consumption of alcoholic beverages, failure to abide by posted rules, wearing of team branded clothing, etc.)

Treatment of Credentialed Media
Postgame Media Access: Players from both teams will be available to media post-game via online virtual press-conference. Selected players and coaches for the visiting team may be made available to media. Requests should be made directly to representatives for the visiting team. Media in attendance for matches at CPKC Stadium will have the opportunity to attend live post-game press conferences with Kansas City Current coaches and players. Links and information regarding the post-game press conferences will be distributed on game day. Locker rooms will not be open to media at any point.

No individuals other than League or Club representatives shall be allowed in Club locker rooms following a game.

Under no circumstances shall any club and/or its players discriminate in any fashion against an accredited member of the media based upon race, creed, sex or national origin.

Seating Access: Accredited media members will have access to the stadium, professional workrooms and stadium seating, if available. During the match, accredited media will have access to the press box which will be restricted to only those accredited media members.

All credentialed media shall be seated in media seating areas, consistent with treatment afforded comparable media. In addition, all members of the media are to be afforded equal treatment and access to facilities and personnel, regardless of sex.

Traveling Media: Members of the working media who travel with a visiting team will not be treated in a discriminatory manner with regard to seating or any other privilege or facility accorded to the home media. Comparable seating and equipment should apply to home and road media (print and electronic).

Guidelines for Photographers and Camera Operators: All photographers and television camera operators must stay behind the field boards at all times, unless released by the on-site photo marshal.

Each photographer will be permitted to use one monopod — but no tripods.

Stand-alone remote units on or around the goal posts will not be permitted without permission from the Home Team, the NWSL and the Referees.

Photographer Access to field: Photographers shall be permitted behind the field boards in the corners of the field and any designated ‘camera well’ areas.

Photographers must not be blocking viewing of fans or spectators in any capacity.

Once situated, no movement shall be permitted until the end of each half. No photographers shall be allowed near the team benches, unless released by the on-site photo marshal.

Photographer Identification: In addition to their regular credential photographers will be issued colored bibs. Photographers will pick up their bib when they check-in at the stadium and return as they leave.

Photography Work Area: Photographers, videographers and ENG crews will have access to the Photo Work Room located off the west side concourse at CPKC Stadium.

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